Foglamp trim
As foglamp trims are part of the visible components of the car, its aspect and shape are of paramount importance. Consequently, the fixture controlling this type of part must be able to guarantee its dimensional conformity without damaging scraping it or tearing it, thus protecting its finishing.
Our checking fixtures are produced in aluminium, the components submitted to wear-and-tear are produced in steel. Tolerances for RPS (fixation points) and dial indicator points: ±0.05mm. Tolerances for simulation blocks: ±0.1mm.
Minimum documentation: dimensional report of your checking fixture, 2D assembly drawing, assembly CAD. Optional documentation: R&R report, user manual, stabilization certificate.
In order to reduce the time to repay your fixture, think about using automated data acquisition solutions, which will help you reduce your measuring cycle time. See CAPTOR-S presentation video to see an example of measurement time reduction on a checking fixture for a plastic part.
Checking fixture for foglamp trim with an aluminium founding basis
Checking fixture for foglamp trim with an aluminium base plate